First you need to harvest your beets when they are 1-2 inches in diameter. Cut off the stems 2 inches above the beet and place them in a sink full of water to soak.
Next put the cleaned beets in a large pot, cover them with water and put them on the stove to boil. Boil for 15-20 minutes or until the skins are loosened enough to peel easily.
Remove the beets from the heat and submerge in cold water to cool. I just drain off the hot water and run cold water over the beets until they are cool enough to handle. Once they have cooled remove the skins. They peel off easily with your fingers under running water. I like to wear gloves to prevent purple fingers!
Slice 'em or dice 'em however you like and put them in clean, sterile canning jarsAdd 1/2 tsp. canning salt
I like to use a canning funnel
Next it's time to put lids on the jars. Place your canning lids
Screw on the jar bands.
And it's time to process them in your pressure canner
When you're done canning let the canner come to room temperature on it's own before removing the beets. I use a jar lifter
to remove the jars because they stay quite hot. Let the jars sit for 24 hours, then label and store in your food storage closet.
Ahhhh - beautiful, bountiful beets!
Your food is so beautiful! And I love beets. They are nutritional dynamos. Your black beans are gorgeous, too. Black beans and beautiful, bountiful beets.....By the way, the bananas may not be as beautiful, but they are a great additon to food storage.
Thanks! Beets, black beans, bananas - I guess I like "B" foods!
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